Saturday 17 December 2016

Tintin's Adventures: Zombie Tintin & Haddock

These aren't exactly canon, but were done as two more civilian zombies for the WW2 era. An intrepid reporter and his sailor sidekick. They'd been in a lot of tough spots in their days, but always managed to come out of them unscathed. Until now that is...

They are, or should I say "were" called, Tintin and captain Haddock.

 Got the inspiration for this late one night (out of nowhere really), so looked at the Wargames Factory zombie sprue for the best parts to use as dollies for these, threw in a West Wind WW2 zombiehead with peaked cap (after a bit of filing) and glued it together. Sculpted the details in the next day in two sessions (morning and afternoon). Painted the next day.

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