Saturday 17 December 2016

Lucky Luke: Schoolkids

A mixture of Editions Atlas and Pixi Minis figures this time. What is a classroom with only two kids after all? Of course, this means I have two teachers now as well, but one will just have to receive a career change, plenty of opportunity in the West after all...

The Editions Atlas figures include a boy with straw hat and apple and a girl with apple. The Pixi set includes two boys. One in a sailor suit with apple and one "bad student" wearing the donkey ears hat. I converted two more from a spare Atlas schoolgirl and paperboy.

Pixi "bad student" and model student:

Atlas farmboy and schoolgirl:

Converted schoolgirl variant and a comparison with the unconverted model. I just changed her hair to give ther twin tails, the paintjob did the rest:

Converted schoolboy and a comparison with the unconverted paperboy. I turned the stack of newspapers into a leather briefcase and sculpted a new hand with an apple to keep the theme. I painted this one in the colourscheme that Atlas used on their paperboy.

The unconverted repaints next to the originals:

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