Sunday 18 December 2016

Smurf Wars: The Black Smurfs

The first of the Smurf conflicts I would like to cover in 28mm wargame form is probably the most famous: "les schtroumpfs noirs", the black smurfs, although I understand this became the purple smurfs abroad.

The story behind this is a smurf gets bitten by an exotic bug, which makes his skin turn black/purple and gives him an irresistable urge to go bite other smurfs. The bite is contagious and each smurf who gets bitten turns into a black smurf itself. Soon the village is run over and Papa Smurf develops an antidote in a desperate bid to turn the tide.

The game would basically run like a zombie game. You'd have your regular smurfs (civilians), you'd have your infected (the black smurfs) and you'd get Papa Smurf and a a few others armed with the antidote, trying to turn as many of the infected back into regular harmless smurfs.

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